Plastic windows machine – Automatic sandwich panel cutting stand WS8800

Ad ID: M96076
€ 16.900,- plus VAT
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Automatic sandwich panel cutting stand WS8800 - used machines for sale on tramao/uploadpic/tramaofinal_inserat/bilder/96076/WS8800....jpg,/uploadpic/tramaofinal_inserat/bilder/96076/WS8800...jpg,/uploadpic/tramaofinal_inserat/bilder/96076/WS8800..jpg

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Automatic sandwich panel cutting stand WS8800

The automatic sandwich panel cutting stand has a software control that allows to get the required number of elements of the given dimensions in the fastest possible time without errors.
The stand makes the cutting process automated: cutting maps, installation and fixation of the sandwich on the stand, starting the cutting procedure by pressing the pedal. This makes it possible to process different workpieces, get a clean and even cut edge, minimize waste.

https: / / / watch?v=X1UXekF74ow

Technical specifications:
Pressure: 6 atm
Positioning accuracy: 0,1 mm
Voltage: 380 / 2 kW
Dimensions: 5500 X 2200 X 700 mm
Weight: 500 kg
Capacity: 270 sheets /



Machine under power

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13 Харчовикив
46000 Полтава

Contact person: Mikhail Kirich

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Phone: +380931776448
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